
women belong in all places where decisions are being made

I often hear (mostly from straight, white able-bodied men) that we should focus solely on positive messages about cycling. The joy, the freedom and the independence it brings and avoid talk of any barriers – namely safety.

where are our male allies?

Last week was deeply upsetting and relentless for girls and women across the country. After the annual flurry of content for International Women’s Day (IWD), just two days later we learned that 97% of 18-24 year old women have been sexually harassed in public spaces.

one month of spoke out | saying hello, see us & sexism

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has kindly supported spoke out during our first month. Whether you’ve liked one of our tweets, become a member or shared our first campaign, I’m so grateful for your help to spread the word.

hello written in neon blue lights


Welcome to the spoke out blog. This is going to be a casual space to share any news, events, thoughts and just anything inspiring and cycling related going on in the city. We will try to write posts every month but if you have an idea or request for a post, or you would like…
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