Category: inclusion

cycling with kids: infrastructure

There are two sides to this- Good Infrastructure, or, What To Look Out For Then Write To The Highways Department And Say Thank You. And the other side- Bad Infrastructure, or, What To Avoid and No It’s Not Just You Making Excuses Or Being A Wuss.

cycling with kids: kit to ride with children from babies to independent teens

Helmets are the obvious one here. While you can get great helmets for little kids, helmets are not suitable for small babies- they’re too heavy. It’s worth looking into trailers that have good baby inserts and a good roll cage if you want to cycle with a child too young to hold their own head up and airway open when they fall asleep with a helmet on (and recognise that riding with small babies is generally not recommended).

taking a break from being a woman in cycling

I have cycled for as long as I can remember. My first bike was a boy’s Raleigh Raptor as I didn’t like that all the bikes for girls were pink, and I liked dinosaurs.

I should have known it would be downhill from there.

tern gsd cargo bike loaded with kits and tools in front of a weir on a sunny day

Terning heads

Last month I was lucky enough to witness the arrival of a new (and very shiny) Tern GSD S10.

Kindly funded by Derby City Council through their amazing Connected grant scheme, it was a much needed replacement for Derby Bike PopUp’s increasingly worn trailer set up.

Rainbow lego minifigures lined up on a bike saddle

learning to be proud

The experience I have had in local cycling groups and even in a professional capacity have at times felt like what I imagined life used to be like decades ago; mocking, objectifying and shouting at women, people of colour and those from the LGBTQIA+ community is tolerated, and those responsible protected.

school children running including four boys and two girls

you can’t be what you can’t see

Last week, Derby City Council’s cycling branch and the largest provider of cycle training in the city, Cycle Derby, started their Active Travel Tour of primary schools across the city to round off Sustrans’ Big Pedal initiative which took place at the end of last month.

women belong in all places where decisions are being made

I often hear (mostly from straight, white able-bodied men) that we should focus solely on positive messages about cycling. The joy, the freedom and the independence it brings and avoid talk of any barriers – namely safety.

where are our male allies?

Last week was deeply upsetting and relentless for girls and women across the country. After the annual flurry of content for International Women’s Day (IWD), just two days later we learned that 97% of 18-24 year old women have been sexually harassed in public spaces.